My world was turned upside down when at age 33 I found out I was donor-conceived. I spent the next three years wondering who my father was, until the internet presented the answer. The journey continues to evolve and surprise me. I am currently querying my memoir, Family of Strangers. Stay tuned.
Not all my time is spent on donor-conceived stories. If reading while walking (read-walking?) were a competitive sport, I’d be a contender as I’ve spent spent most of my life with my nose in a book and love to multitask. I’m an avid runner, but haven’t figured out how to read while running yet. When not writing, running, or reading, my fingers are usually working a spreadsheet, crossword puzzle, or the latest knitting project.
My husband Denis and I split our time between mountainous Mammoth Lakes, CA and a quaint, foggy San Francisco neighborhood, just 3 miles from where I was conceived.
Denis, Amanda, Maya (2007-2022), and Sully (2002-2018) when we were all less gray.